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Reducing drug re-offending in Universities

Would you like to reduce the drug re-offending of students by 92%?

 Young people between 18-24 years of age represent most drug & risk takers. Many will experiment for the first time at university. Where better to remind students of the impact their behaviour will have on health & latter career choices? 

A person smiling at the camera    Description automatically generated with medium confidenceOur very own Jason Kew delivers interactive drug awareness and harm reduction events addressing drug use within the student population. Jason, as an Honorary member of the Faculty of Public Health, visiting fellow at University of South Wales, adviser on the UK Drugs Strategy and informing policy for Universities UK is uniquely placed to work within higher education.


More information on Jason can be found on here.


  Outcomes engage with:

  • Drugs education
  • Myth busting
  • Harm reduction
  • Health, social, legal implications
  • Where to seek help
  • The cycle of change

 Delivering this 3-hour interactive online event, avoiding a punitive response, will educate, keep students safe, enable them to continue their education and share this knowledge within their friendship groups.

 Success is notable, including a reduction in the reoffending of students within higher education in excess of 92% (source: Callum Marshall, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)).

 Client voices:

 “I just wanted to say thank you for all of your amazing work this year and I look forward to working with you both throughout the next academic year.”

 “We have had quite a few students reach out following the session, so they definitely do make a difference.”

 Contact us for more information