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Consultancy - Managing Protestor Activity

An International company approached TFS as they were concerned about Protestor Activity around key installations and wanted to ensure that staff were trained to deal with the security issues that could potentially occur on a day to day basis.

TFS worked with the client to devise a tailored training approach for staff to enable them to manage site security and the safety of all personnel.

Imagine the scene ….

Activists have infiltrated your inner most security. Physical damage to your infrastructure is only the beginning as the Media machine appears on your doorstep and begin to transmit real time imagery. Local police are sympathetic but simply do not have the resources and, more likely than not, the experience to counter the insurgent activity ….

Imagine the scene ….

Members of your senior team are targeted by extremists. Mail is tampered with and damage to residential property is frequent. Cars are damaged and certain staff members are unable to leave their family. Fear grips the board room ….

Imagine the scene ….

During heightened tensions a senior member of staff or relative is reported missing. A Tiger kidnap demand is received. The safety of those held captive is paramount and the reputation of the company rides on the decisions made in the next three quarters of an hour. All the more harrowing when the bandits demand no police intervention ….

Imagine the scene ….

Your maritime facility is targeted and brought to a grinding halt. Every hour represents losses in the tens of thousands. The local law enforcement agency prepare to deploy their limited resources that in reality represent little or no form of active deterrent. Stock values tumble as the incident rolls on for days ….

Imagine a tailored solution that can manage every eventuality ….

Stop imagining as there is a breadth of knowledge, experience, personnel and specialised equipment available to provide the complete solution. Please call for further details.